ಈ ದಿನದ ವಿಶೇಷತೆಗಳು – ಡಾ.ಅಂಬಿಕಾ ಹಂಚಾಟೆ

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On June 22nd, National Onion Rings Day recognizes a batter-dipped, deep-fried bite of deliciousness that runs rings around other appetizers.Also found in Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, and some parts of Asia, onion rings exact origin are unknown. Actually A recipe called “Fried Onions with Parmesan Cheese” is included in John Mollard’s 1802 cookbook but someboks said differently .Anyway let’s try at home. It’s easy to prepare as you know .

I think this day is a perfect day for National HVAC Tech Day! And it defines Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) .For a home or any working places it’s all mandatory service and we can’t say how and when it will be coke as an emergencies in which time .So we can called it it’s a perfect and technical TECH day .And it’s all comes from the ancients not a new ,but improving of technology is different that’s all ! And this AC is a newfound power that was more than a luxury; it shaped the growth of the country. Sun Belt cities with triple-digit summer temperatures became much more attractive places to live and vacation. Then why too late ,if the home needs anyone on these ,let’s get it and apply .

National Chocolate Eclair Day, on June 22nd annually, recognizes a delicious cream-filled pastry covered in smooth chocolate.Well, we know the French make many delicacies from dough. These particular pastries are made from a dough called pate a choux. And one of these pastries is the Eclair. They pipe it into an oblong shape using a pastry bag. Once baked, the eclair is light and crispy on the outside and hollow on the inside making it the perfect avenue for transporting creamy vanilla or chocolate creme. And this word also comes from French it means flash of lightning .Anyhow ,how much it’s history is glorious let’s Come we too celebrate it as the same .

Today’s posts article has written by DR AMBIKA HANCHATE, CEO Of JMF, Blogger @JMF, Haveri

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