ಈ ದಿನದ ವಿಶೇಷತೆಗಳು -ಡಾ.ಅಂಬಿಕಾ ಹಂಚಾಟೆ……

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World Animal Welfare Day

We all know very know that how much animals are an important in the fact of environment living as sustainability .And we never forget this action about balanced ecology .Without features Nature never will be balanced .If any one is imbalanced then you can’t imagine where we all will go in which path on this globe .On this awareness cause ,every year this day is celebrated on 4 October to raise awareness among people about taking actions worldwide for the rights of animals as well as welfare. It is necessary to improve welfare standards worldwide. Let’s love animals ,take the  donations actions   if possible from  hand . #WorldAnimalWelfareDay #ambikahanchate #writterspace

First Monday of October (In 2021, it falls on 4 October):

World Habitat Day

World Habitat Day is observed on the first Monday of October month throughout the world. It was declared by the United Nations General Assembly in December 1985 and in 1986, the first time it was celebrated across the globe.On this with ,in the sea ,there are several even uncountable unknown names habitats are living .Maybe we don’t know theirs biological scientific /botanical names but always we heard about them in national geographic channels or any in wonder worlds organism . We are really blessed to have it with us .But not having much awareness of their importance like what and how they will become useful in the matter for science .Anyhow ,let’s gain some more knowledge about it and learn what’s it all . #WorldHabitatDay #ambikahanchate #writterspace


We all heard about the importance of cinnamon that how much it plays a great role in various aspects of life  .So, National Cinnamon Bun Day on October 4th sweetens us up with a Scandinavian pastry.

This warm bun swirls together a yeasty dough in sugar and cinnamon. Served with coffee or tea and enjoyed with a good book, a friend, or a dance party (don’t judge), it comforts on chilly fall days.

Despite all the sugar in the recipes, cinnamon comes with many benefits. Since it’s loaded with antioxidants, it protects cells from the free radicals that may play a role in heart disease and cancer. Cinnamon is not only  using  in a bun .We can even add in so many recipes .But it’s the special day for cinnamon bun so enjoy it by preparing at home .

#nationalcinnamonbunday  #ambikahanchate  #writterspace


Get one, two or three on National Taco Day. On October 4th, the day recognizes the savory tortilla stuffed with fillings. It doesn’t have to be Tuesday, so get out and enjoy your favorite.

The history of tacos predates the arrival of Europeans in Mexico. Anthropological evidence shows the native people living in the lake region of the Valley of Mexico traditionally ate tacos filled with small fish. What to say about more on this. Now only  mouth  watering has started  and getting a delicious aroma in the imagination of this recipe ,yummyyy ..You know !

#nationaltacoday  #ambikahanchate  #writterspace


National Golf Lover’s Day on October 4th provides an opportunity for golf enthusiasts to swing down the fairway at least one more time during the season.

While celebrating the day, you might notice it is sometimes also referred to as National Golf Day. Since 1952, the PGA has held a charity event each year for National Golf Day, which is held on different days each year. Many sportive people love it .And will play with their partners at villas .

#NationalGolfLoversDay  #ambikahanchate  #writterspace


Many people like it ,they will smile, enjoy it ,and will be crazy to have it. Sometimes they quarrel when they don’t got it for party purposes .So silly for listeners but can’t manipulate the truth one this vodka lovers .

National Vodka Day recognizes a popular beverage used in a variety of cocktails and mixed drinks. Explore your options on October 4th and raise a toast to the celebration.

Makers distill a variety of substances to make vodka. As a result, diverse types of vodka fill the shelves at the liquor store. Grain, potatoes, fruits, and sugar vodkas fit a variety of mixing needs behind the bar or in the kitchen, too.

Traditionally, prepared vodkas had an alcoholic content of percent by volume. In the United States, products sold…


As the seasons change and our lives evolve, so do our styles and budgets. On the first Monday in October, National Consignment Day offers a way to elevate both. The holiday celebrates consignment as the smart, sustainable way to shop, earn money, and extend the lifecycle of your items.

Check your overstuffed closet and what will you find? In everything from designer clothes to evening gowns and fine jewelry, last year’s blue jeans and the never-worn is the opportunity for cash in your pocket. It’s tracking the order zits cone thing between the clients and entrepreneur .it can create a circle of employment etc .The consignee’s consignment is always important for consigner.

#NationalConsignmentDay  #ambikahanchate  #writterspace


Child care ,child health ,child issues ,child labouring ,alike so many facts is going around us from so far .Hence many laws and orders ,crime actions have been taking acctoidng the conditional way.but the question is ,have we win ?Or ever will we finish it completely away from the illegal activities .Answer is maybe ..But can say perfectly. Among these one if the issue is child health yes ,the crude death rate is going in high range compare to birth rate due to non nutrient food .Etc ,so In the United States, National Child Health Day occurs each year on the first Monday in October. The day recognizes the care and guidance children need to grow strong and healthy.

Each child deserves to be the healthiest he or she can be. From the food they eat to the words they hear, children require support and opportunities to grow. Parents often worry about chronic disease, accidents or childhood illnesses. At the same time governing bodies too .But only worries can’t do everything unless our care as primary act at home .

Ambika Hanchate , Blogger @Haveri

For more updates ,visit on http://www.ambikahanchate.co.in/

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