ಈ ದಿನದ ವಿಶೇಷತೆಗಳು -ಡಾ.ಅಂಬಿಕಾ ಹಂಚಾಟೆ…..

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Bennington Battle Day….

is observed on 16 August annually to honour the Battle of Bennington which took place on 16 August, 1777. Let’s get more details about this from a related source and post it on social media.


What happened to the comedian on August 16th during National Tell A Joke Day? Everyone stole his punchlines! All joking aside, get out there and laugh a little and tell some funny ones.This day will be filled with smiles and laughter from morning till night. Jokes consist of humorous stories, either written or verbal, that often end with a punchline. While slapstick includes props and even minor stunts on the part of the storyteller, the best jokes are usually short. They involve a little misdirection and a well-delivered punchline.


Each year on August 16th, people flock to amusement parks for a thrill, a few exciting screams, and to celebrate National Roller Coaster Day. Take a ride on a roller coaster near you. The day commemorates the first verticle loop roller coaster which was patented by Edwin Prescott on this day in 1898. A roller coaster consists of one or multiple cars on a track. While they are similar to railroad systems in design, the inclines and vertical loops incorporated in the structures aren’t for transportation. These elements boost the thrills roller coaster enthusiasts seek!


National Airborne Day on August 16th honors the military’s airborne divisions of the Armed Forces.    August 16, 1940, marks the date of the first official Army parachute jump at Ft. Benning, Georgia. The successful jump validated the innovative concept of inserting U.S. ground combat forces behind a battle line by parachute. These sky soldiers represent some of the most prestigious and expertly trained forces in the United States Army.


Join National Rum Day on August 16th as blended beverages and cocktails create a delicious celebration. Rum is a distilled clear alcoholic beverage which is a byproduct of sugar production. It can also be made directly from sugar cane juice. After the fermentation and distillation process, most rum ages in wooden oak barrels.

ವರದಿ – ಡಾ.ಅಂಬಿಕಾ ಹಂಚಾಟೆ.

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