ಈ ದಿನದ ವಿಶೇಷತೆಗಳು -ಡಾ.ಅಂಬಿಕಾ ಹಂಚಾಟೆ……

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National Professional House Cleaners Day on September 17th recognizes Professional Cleaners for the necessary and skillful trade they provide every day. In homes and businesses across the country, Professional Cleaners create healthier environments.

This day of recognition celebrates a career many overlook or take for granted. While not everyone hires a Professional Cleaner, they do impact our lives in some way. Nearly every business we frequent and apartment building rents hires professional cleaners. The industry also employs approximately 3.25 million people creating a positive economic impact on the marketplace. Cleanliness , hyginess and nourishment is very important in daily routine .Without protecting health we can’t do any small to major work .


Somewhere I have listed that it gives a pleasurable taste and brings deliciousness to the serving table So that  on September 17th honors a sweet delight of Autumn.

With fall fast approaching, this food holiday comes at the height of apple harvests. Apple dumplings are an easy dessert to make. Simply peel and core apples, season them with cinnamon and sugar and wrap them up in a prepared pastry dough. Then bake the apple until tender. The flavor is similar to an apple pie.

Apple dumplings are believed to be native to the northeastern United States, around Pennsylvania.  Often found among the delicious Amish recipes, it is frequently eaten as a breakfast item, too. However, they are also regularly eaten as a dessert and sometimes served with ice cream. It’s yummy for having and being a foodie lover I love to grab it .


Constitution Day and Citizenship Day on September 17th commemorates the adoption of the Constitution of the United States and those who have become United States citizens. On this day, members of the U.S. The Constitutional Convention signed the Constitution in 1787. For more updates regarding this day let’s get official sites and fully aware.


On September 17th, National Monte Cristo Day recognizes the indulgent and delicious sandwich.

A Monte Cristo is a fried ham and cheese sandwich. The French sandwich called the croque-monsieur inspired the Monte Cristo. However, the sandwich goes by other names, too. If you find a menu with French Sandwich, Toasted Ham Sandwich, or a French Toasted Cheese Sandwich, order them for a taste of Monte Cristo. I never heard about this recipe anyways. I will try right away.


On the third Friday in September, National Tradesmen Day honors the men and women whose skills and hard work build America. And, their skills keep it running strong. The day recognizes the professionals who maintain the complex infrastructure of our roads, cities, water systems, and power grids.

While these experts work day in and out maintaining skills unique to their trade, our nation continues to operate smoothly without pause. The skills and knowledge of those in the trades keep businesses, homes, and entire nations running. Whether walls go up or come down, roads cross rivers or the water flows, electricians, plumbers, masons, mechanics, carpenters, and everyone in between ensures the job gets done. Be proud and salute to all tradesmen who are serving their family and taking care of all with necessities .


In the United States, the third Friday in September honors National POW/MIA Recognition Day.

Each year since 1989, a presidential proclamation brings the nation together to remember and honor the members of the Armed Forces who remain missing in action or are prisoners of war. The day serves as a call to action, reminding the nation to rededicate our efforts. We’re responsible for bringing our patriots home and for caring for our military families awaiting word of their loved ones.

World Patient Safety Day

This day is observed on 17 September. It was established by the 72nd World Health Assembly in May 2019, following the adoption of resolution WHA72.6 on ‘ Global action on patient safety’. Already whole universe is suffered from many disease since many decades and seen many types of disorders from that to  until it’s   showing one to another forms by that people are dying in countable number .Sometime  there poverty will be kill them another time medical ,clinical and hospital high charges .Among these they need to recover from the bed and sharing his life for self with family .Just imagine how difficulties he have to face . From struggling the beginning days to until discharge of patients safety will play a vital role  . On this special day we all are  saluting to all sisters ,nurses ,doctors and entire subordinates who all care for their patients while maintaining safety .

Dr Ambika Hnachate ,CEO of JMF, Blogger @Haveri

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