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Kargil Vijay Diwas

It is observed on 26 July and is named after the success of Operation Vijay. The Kargil war was ended on 26 July which continued approx 60 days. This day is celebrated to honour the Kargil War Heroes. Be proud for this day .And say Jai Hind. #KargilVijayDiwas  #ambikahanchate  #writterspace


National Aunt and Uncle’s Day on July 26th honors a special set of relatives we look up to throughout our lives. During holidays, family events, and sometimes sleepovers, aunts and uncles often hold an extraordinary place in our hearts. They fill our lives with fun, laughter, love, and incredible memories. And most of the best relation is aunt and uncle for every mid age teenagees because they knew well their works will be easy through them .Whatever we can buy ,get and make the party for every silly reason .And lot of excuses ,fun and opportunities is there to grab .How cool know ?..Anyway ,get the event from your aunt and uncle and enjoy it . #nationalauntandunclesday  #ambikahanchate  #writterspace


National Bagelfest Day on July 26th recognizes the kosher carbohydrate. Toast one and add a schmear or two. If you don’t, you’re not really celebrating. North Americans love this crunchy on the outside and chewy in the middle bread. Served with a variety of toppings, bagels also come in a diverse flavor. In most communities, bagel shops are a staple across the country.its not only look pretty and it’s delicious too . #NationalBagelfestDay  #ambikahanchate  #writterspace


| July 26Add National Coffee Milkshake Day on July 26th and coffee lovers to those who participate in National Ice Cream Month. The day whips up a caffeinated way to celebrate one of the hottest times of the year. While a milkshake sounds refreshing at the end of July, a coffee milkshake sounds even better. The combination of creamy ice cream blended with coffee perks up even the most extended workday. Add chocolate, and this treat becomes a mocha, too! it’s yummy ..Just have it without comments .#NationalCoffeeMilkshakeDay  #ambikahanchate  #writterspace


Celebrated each year on July 26th, National All or Nothing Day allows people to throw caution to the wind and go for broke. We all have dreams we hold back, decisions left to make, or plans uncompleted. On this day, people break free of everything holding them back. Everyone has at least one thing that they would like to overcome, need to do or want to do but might be fearful or hesitant to do so. This is the day to go ahead and do it, take that first step and go for it. If we had thought all are one ,then there is no excuse to say anything .If we had thought no one is for us then nothing will come to your near .Just decide and act . #NationalAllOrNothingDay  #ambikahanchate  #writterspace

National Disability Independence Day

on July 26th commemorates the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on July 26th, 1990.The ADA provides protection from employment discrimination as well as better access to goods, services, and communications for people with disabilities. If you have a small or any kind of business , give the chance to disabilities and get the skills from them .It’s also called one kind of independence of disabilities .Think positive and celebrate this day .This day recognizes the anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act passed in 1990. #nationaldisabilityindependenceday  #ambikahanchate #writterspace

Dr AMBIKA HANCHATE, CEO of JMF, Blogger @Haveri

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