ಈ ದಿನದ ವಿಶೇಷತೆಗಳು -ಡಾ.ಅಂಬಿಕಾ ಹಂಚಾಟೆ

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Every year National Technology Day 2021 This day is observed on 11 May of every year to highlight the important role play of technology in daily life. Without technology we can’t assume our new generation and lifestyles too because not the reason is we addicted but we are on in unknowingly ,this technology is applicable in science ,telecom, medicine ,education ,infrastructure ,postal ,cash transaction in a every elements it has spread and that’s why the globe looking a small in our fingers point today and we are togethering doing well in respective field .Advanced technology ,artificial intelligence ,robot science ,animation etc will be taken the most economical GDP role in global level .Finally technology is not bad if we are used in for wellness .

See,how funny and serious subject it’s going to tell us. Eat what you want !That means ,anything ?….I think no, because if health is important for life then how could not be food? Food is a mixture of high nutrients, proteins ,minerals and everything which will give fuels to carry out the body for up to our survival .Of closures you will do that all .But anyways this day is something giving special and making difference from other days i ,e leave your diets and regrets ,get what you want and have it in small amount if really you would like to enjoy if having that .Just chill ,enjoy and celebrate your most special discounted day which is making you free from all the controllable eats.

Always observed on May 11th, National Twilight Zone Day features mysterious twists and turns highlighted with eerie background music and unexplainable occurrences .This television show The Twilight Zone was created, written, and narrated by Rod Serling. It premiered on October 1, 1959. The episodes were wildly popular, stretched the imagination, and captivated viewers. The show aired from 1959-1964. Rod Serling also created the show’s spin-off called Night Gallery. Every time it presents a new story in a unique style .And the play role characters will take viewers somewhere in the day dream . Anyhow, invite your guests and look at this show ,enjoy and celebrate with Your food items .

Foam rolling is a self-myofascial release (SMR) and this day is celebrated one every May of 11th .Thai is one kind massage therapy for tighten skill will make free it from the pains and make relaxation to body .Many of people will do this as exercise bases system in the gym even at home too with well get of knowledge .The first foam roller was patented in the US in the 1920s, so foam rolling is nothing new. However, foam rolling is gaining momentum in recent years.foam rollers having many shapes but better is to ball shape and cylindrical .Better to practice it and get the more benefits .

Written by Mrs .Ambika Hanchate

Blogger ,JMF

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